November 21, 2019
Susan Hynes

I begin with a confession: I am reliant on my electronic devices. Should I forget my cell phone, I find myself warding off a panic attack, and if I leave my iPad behind, I fret being bored while...

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The Heart of the Matter
The Heart of the Matter
October 11, 2019
Susan Hynes

These days I feel surrounded by love, or at least surrounded by conversations about love. It is a great topic and judging by the amount of rising hatred in the country, one well worth having...

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The Fine Print
The Fine Print
August 19, 2019
Susan Hynes

While I have often prayed for the acceptance of change when it comes, I do not always find the ability to be accepting without some struggle. The most recent conflict arose in my parish with the...

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God Gives and Sometimes We Taketh Away
God Gives and Sometimes We Taketh Away
July 28, 2019
Susan Hynes

For over a month now I have thought daily of my friend who committed suicide in late June. She wasn’t really my friend in the best buds sort of way, we didn’t run in the same circles, and she was a...

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Finding Faith at the Barre
Finding Faith at the Barre
July 7, 2019
Susan Hynes

“God moves in a mysterious way His wonders to perform.” I think of this famous opening line from the poem by William Cowper, every time something surprising happens to me. Recently, I was overcome...

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The Power of Prayer
The Power of Prayer
April 25, 2019
Susan Hynes

For about a month now, I have been staring at a page on my computer on which I had written “The Power of Prayer” at the top. I kept meaning to come back to it and write something under the heading...

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In The Interim
In The Interim
October 23, 2018
Susan Hynes

No doubt as a factor of my age and a life of mobility, I have been in several parishes that found themselves in “transition.” An excellent way of saying a Priest was leaving and a new one had to be...

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Our Sunday Best
Our Sunday Best
October 2, 2018
Susan Hynes

For the last several weeks, I’ve been mulling over the idea that by failing to keep Sunday special will cause us to continue to lose congregants. I have absolutely no scientific data to prove this...

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